Safety and Security
Elevators are one of the most widely used modern means of transportation in high-rise buildings, hospitals, hotels, commercial malls and government centers ... But with the increasing use of elevators, the need to ensure the safety of users and protect them from possible dangers also increases.

The elevator sector is highly regulated according to strict standards that ensure the safety of users … at Emar United elevators; we adhere to the security and safety requirements specified in national and international standards, such as the European standard EN 81-1.
These requirements include many different aspects of security and safety, Including
1- Elevator design: the elevators are designed within Emar so that the maximum level of safety and security for users is achieved, and the elevators are designed with high quality standards for the materials and technologies used and installed in a correct and stable manner.
3- Fall protection system: Emar elevators are equipped with a fall protection system, such as brakes and barriers, to ensure that the elevator does not slip in the event of a failure of the main system.
5- Lighting and ventilation: at Emar United elevators, we take into account the provision of sufficient lighting and good ventilation inside the elevator to improve the comfort and safety of users.
7- Load control: elevators are equipped with load control systems to prevent the elevator from loading above the maximum allowable limit.
2- Maintenance and inspection of elevators: elevators are serviced periodically and checked regularly to ensure that they work properly and reliably. These operations are carried out on a regular schedule.
4- Alarm systems: Emar elevators are equipped with alarm systems for early warning of any problem that occurs in the elevator, such as low oil pressure or a malfunction in the system.
6- Safety instructions: safety instructions are displayed inside the elevator to clarify the appropriate procedures in case of accidents, such as the way to exit the elevator if it is not working properly.
Users and visitors are provided with the necessary training on how to use elevators correctly and adhere to safety instructions. Any problem related to security and safety in elevators must be immediately reported and the necessary measures taken to solve it
In addition, environmental, economic and social aspects are considered when designing and operating elevators and elevators are also designed so that their energy is efficient and provides a comfortable and satisfactory use experience for users. Environmental sustainability and environmental impact mitigation standards must be adhered to in the design, operation and maintenance process.
In conclusion, safety and security in elevators is a top priority, and at Emar United elevators we adhere to the strict standards set to ensure the safety of users. We are also working hard to improve and develop elevator systems and provide the necessary training for users on how to use them correctly. This helps to achieve safe and efficient movement of people and goods inside the premises and provide a safe and comfortable working environment for everyone.
We work with the best, most experienced and world-class quality
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